
06:00   CNN Newsroom (CNNI) - Live context and clarity...     (30')

06:30   Going Green - We explore the world of sustainable...     (30')

07:00   CNN Newsroom (CNNI) - Live context and clarity...     (30')

07:30   Quest's World of Wonder - Turkey's Mugla Province...     (30')

08:00   CNN Newsroom (CNNI) - Live context and clarity...     (30')

08:30   African Voices Playmakers - Notiziario     (30')

09:00   CNN Newsroom (CNNI) - Live context and clarity...     (60')

10:00   CNN Newsroom (CNNI) - Live context and clarity...     (60')

11:00   CNN Newsroom (CNNI) - Live context and clarity...     (60')


12:00   African Voices Playmakers - Notiziario     (30')

12:30   Living Golf - Morocco looks to reposition itself...     (30')

13:00   CNN This Morning Weekend - Start your day with...     (60')

14:00   First Of All With Victor Blackwell - ... Blackwell....     (60')

15:00   Smerconish - Michael Smerconish tackles the American...     (60')

16:00   The Chris Wallace Show - Chris Wallace welcomes...     (60')

17:00   CNN Newsroom Saturday - Updates of the latest...     (60')


18:00   World Sport - Daily sports show features major...     (30')

18:30   Going Green - We explore the world of sustainable...     (30')

19:00   Living Golf - Morocco looks to reposition itself...     (30')

19:30   Quest's World of Wonder - Turkey's Mugla Province...     (30')

20:00   CNN Newsroom Saturday - Updates of the latest...     (60')

21:00   The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper - ... Cooper....     (60')

22:00   CNN Newsroom Saturday - Updates of the latest...     (60')

23:00   World Sport - Daily sports show features major...     (30')

23:30   Inside Africa - We hear from a record breaker...     (30')


00:00   CNN Newsroom Saturday - Updates of the latest...     (60')

01:00   CNN Newsroom Saturday - Updates of the latest...     (60')

02:00   Smerconish - Michael Smerconish tackles the American...     (60')

03:00   World Sport - Daily sports show features major...     (30')

03:30   Going Green - We explore the world of sustainable...     (30')

04:00   Inside Africa - We hear from a record breaker...     (30')

04:30   African Voices Playmakers - Notiziario     (30')

05:00   Special - 1^TV - Programming to be determined.     (30')

05:30   Marketplace Africa - Marketplace Africa offers...     (15')

05:45   Marketplace Europe - The Olympics' economic legacy...     (15')

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