12:00 Sky Meteo24 - Previsioni meteo dettagliate e sempre... | Sky Meteo 24 (15')
12:00 Euronews Now - Breaking news and in | Euronews (16')
12:00 With Wilfred Frost - Breaking news, developing... | Sky News (30')
12:00 NHK World TV HD - Canale giapponese di News e... | NHK World TV (360')
12:15 Sky Meteo24 - Previsioni meteo dettagliate e sempre... | Sky Meteo 24 (15')
12:16 Euronews Now - Breaking news and in | Euronews (14')
12:30 Sky Meteo24 - Previsioni meteo dettagliate e sempre... | Sky Meteo 24 (15')
12:30 Euronews Now - Breaking news and in | Euronews (30')
12:30 Business Live - Interviews, insight and analysis... | Sky News (30')
12:45 Quante storie - Puntata del 16/01/2025 - | Rai 3 (30')
12:45 Sky Meteo24 - Previsioni meteo dettagliate e sempre... | Sky Meteo 24 (15')
12:51 Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all... | France 24 English (9')