
06:00   News Live - Up     (30')

06:30   Africa Direct - A photographer's passion for ancient...     (30')

07:00   News Live - Up     (30')

07:30   Egypt Through The Lens - Photographing the glamour...     (30')

08:00   News Live - Up     (30')

08:30   Inside Story - Beyond the headlines to the heart...     (30')

09:00   Newshour - Up     (60')

10:00   News Live - Up     (30')

10:30   Counting the Cost - Counting the Cost provides...     (30')

11:00   News Live - Up     (30')

11:30   The Stream - Powered by social media, The Stream...     (30')

Oggi pomeriggio

12:00   Newshour - Up     (60')

13:00   News Live - Up     (30')

13:30   Inside Story - Beyond the headlines to the heart...     (30')

14:00   The El Masri Case - The 2004 abduction and torture...     (60')

15:00   Newshour - Up     (60')

16:00   News Live - Up     (30')

16:30   Egypt Through The Lens - Photographing the glamour...     (30')

17:00   Newshour - Up     (60')


18:00   News Live - Up     (30')

18:30   Witness - A French Muslim athlete attempts to...     (30')

19:00   News Live - Up     (30')

19:30   Inside Story - Beyond the headlines to the heart...     (30')

20:00   Newshour - Up     (60')

21:00   News Live - Up     (30')

21:30   People and Power - People and Power examines Kosovo's...     (30')

22:00   News Live - Up     (30')

22:30   Amazzonia: viaggio nella Foresta - One     (30')

23:00   Newshour - Up     (60')


00:00   Newshour - Up     (60')

01:00   News Live - Up     (30')

01:30   The Bottom Line - Weekly discussion show on US...     (30')

02:00   News Live - Up     (30')

02:30   Inside Story - Beyond the headlines to the heart...     (30')

03:00   The El Masri Case - The 2004 abduction and torture...     (60')

04:00   News Live - Up     (30')

04:30   The Stream - Powered by social media, The Stream...     (30')

05:00   News Live - Up     (30')

05:30   Counting the Cost - Counting the Cost provides...     (30')

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