
TRM h24

00:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

14:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

16:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

20:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

22:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

France 24 English

05:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

06:21   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

06:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

07:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

10:51   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

11:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

13:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

16:51   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

20:51   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

23:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

France 24 Francais

05:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

08:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

16:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

18:21   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (9')

22:22   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (8')

Emilia Romagna 24

17:00   Focus - Focus e' un programma di approfondimento....   (30')


TRM h24

00:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

14:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

16:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

20:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

22:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

France 24 English

01:51   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

04:40   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

05:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

07:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

09:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

13:21   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

13:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

15:15   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

20:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

France 24 Francais

05:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

08:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

16:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')


France 24 English

00:21   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

03:15   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

04:21   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (9')

05:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

07:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

13:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

TRM h24

00:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

France 24 Francais

05:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

08:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

Emilia Romagna 24

12:15   Focus - Focus e' un programma di approfondimento....   (30')

Martedì 30

France 24 English

03:15   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

05:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

07:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

13:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

France 24 Francais

05:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

08:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

Emilia Romagna 24

12:15   Focus - Focus e' un programma di approfondimento....   (30')

TRM h24

14:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

16:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

20:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

22:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

Mercoledì 31

TRM h24

00:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

14:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

16:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

20:00   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

22:30   Focus - Fatti ed eventi di Puglia e Basilicata   (60')

France 24 English

03:15   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

05:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

07:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

13:45   Focus - Keep up with the latest news from all...   (5')

France 24 Francais

05:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

06:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

08:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

11:45   Focus - Un reportage tourne par les correspondants...   (5')

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